Political program


One thing I notice among Iranian youngling is their strong appeal to our past, sometimes to the extend of letting themselves blinded. A quick look at forums or youtube comments will give you an insight of the problem. They will often hold grand speeches about the « return of the persian empire » or hail Mohamad Reza shah forgetting one crucial element: historical context.

I will agree though, the founder of Iran, King Cyrus I the great established a powerful nation in unity and we have much to learn from him.

Cyrus was a noble man from the Parsi tribe who were established in Pars, today known as Fars. At the time the region we know today as Iran was under the dominion of the Medians but was not a united empire, it was rather multiple kingdoms who agreed not to fight each others. The region had a well established civilisation though and people dwelled in cities, art and culture was flourishing but not in the same grandiose manner than later under the imperial rule.

Cyrus established a multicultural empire that was 2000 years ahead of its time. The persian empire was the very first world super power known in history, not only that but unlike many conquerors, Cyrus was not only a genius strategist he was also a smart and educated politican. Rathen than establishing his power with brute force, he offered a haven of peace of safety where the coquered land could keept its language and religion. He recognized the gods of every city state he conquered and avoided humiliating people, banned the use of slaves, financed reconstructions of building and so on. The next empire which established a similar policy was the british colonial empire which came 2000 years later in a totaly different cotext.

What does it mean for us Iranians ? Rather than looking for the raise of our country as an empire or a super power again (hello, this is the 21st century) we should adopt the positive aspect established by Kourosh (Cyrus). Respect of other cultures and religion, unity of different people, tribes and nations under one banner, mutual help rather than mutual destruction, etc…


One thing our people have lacked for a while ranging in centuries is unity. Some accept islam, some don’t, some miss the shahs, some hate him, some prefere Khamenei, some hate him, some like the USA; some hate them, and there is hatred between classes « Tahsil karde » (educated) « Bazari » (merchants) « Dahati » (peasants) « Arbab » (landlords), etc…
Beside Iranians abroad are completely disorganised and in small groups, they often marry locals, some even do not teach Persian to their children as if ashamed of their roots, yet so many iranians, most specifically in the US, Canada and western europe are succesful and good citizen.

It is absolutely necessary to establish an IRANIAN LOBBY through which we can support each others and every arguments or disagreement we have should at all cost remain and be solved inside. We have to remember most foreig powers have stabbed us in the back and used us as tools for a century so we need to unite with our own kind and protect our interest as a people.

To this matter I call to the succesful persians out there, the billionaires and millionaires in the US, YOU are the ones who can give the sparkle for a new dawn for our people, take that chance and ignite it ! SchoolOfTabriz3.jpg

Let’s learn from the jews who will always put their own people first no matter what, they will do everything they can so the member of their « tribe » is succesful. Unfortunately some of them also try to make other people unsuccesful, and for that matter let’s remember our founding father KOUROSH and do not fall in hatred of others but simply the defense of our own !

Through these lobbies we need the establishment of Persian centers free of religion to promote Iranian nationalism and pride, teach the ancestral values of our people and the recent history of our land to the next genration and cultivate our seeds for a brighter future.

The most suitable name I can see for these centers is Simurgh, a.k.a. the persian Phoenix. Just like in the legend Simurgh saved Zal by raising him a top a mountain (beautiful symbol of elevation) we should work to « elevate » the next generation with a proper education, offer them a strong sense of comunity through sport, cultural and educational activities and teach them the history of Iran so they can better bu561px-Simurgh.svg.pngild its future. The simurgh is also famous for its immortality or « rebirth process ». When it dies it burns and is reborn through its ow ashes. Iran as we know it needs to « die » and be reborn.

Finaly, the simurgh was the emblem of the sassanid dynasty, the last pre-islamic iranian entity and thus the ashes from which we should be reborn.

Zoroastrianism as a symbolic religion:

Most young iranians are agnostic believers. They believe in a greater creative force but also think that the relationship to god is a personal and private one. With the concept of freewill in Zoroasrianism (for that matter check the zoroatrianism page) and the fact it is a religion that grew in our land and was developed in our language, and many of its concepts influenced and shape our history, we should all « convert » to zoroastrianism. An important advatage of it is that islam is greatly and strongly associated with the arab world and today more than ever, with terrorism and violence. By adopting Zoroastriaism « officially » we make a nationalistic move that could on the long term blow serious damage to the mullahs. No clergy is needed all we need to do is keep doing « chaharshanbe suri » « nowruz » and « Shab e yalda » and officially register as zoroastrians. We would fear inscribing this on our iranian passports but what if conversions happens by the hundred of thousands ? What if every iranian who moves to the west immediately abandons islam « officially » ? This could represent a beacon of light for our fellow Iranians who have to live under the islamic regime. Through the « Simurgh » centers we have to make sure these conversions are under control and not sectarism and religious extremism happens. People have to remember religion and beliefs are personal and we simply chose to stick to our own historical religion rather than an alien invasive one.


Lobbying for national interests: 

With the establishment of these community centers across the west, the promotion of a higher education, the help of success in business or entertainment, the Iranian lobbies could become seriously influential withing a decad. And the next generation should be able to start working for national interests and can slowly and peacefully start countering the clergical power in Iran without destabilising society to a too great extend. With the use of internet and satellite television, the people of iran will have access to our medias, we can offer them that baecone of h ope they deserately needed during the protests in 1998 and 2009.

Talking about this and given the fact the clergy is nothing more than a militaristic governement in disguise, and the way they supressed the protests in 2009, it is important to take into account the need of a paramilitary group, the best approach I could think of is the estbalishment of a private mercenary force that would only have iranian personels recruited from our centers. In case of a new mass protest and if the guardians of revolution and bassiji starts shooting at people some blitz operation could be conducted against them to counter attack and cast fear in them. This done by an iranian owned group serving natioanlistic interests could greatly unite people in Iran who do NOT want the help of a foreign power. With the power of a lobby we could finaly avoid being used as puppets by any inteligence service (see operation Ajax).